Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

AI robocalls and ethical concerns for New Yorkers



New York Mayor Eric Adams doesn’t speak Mandarin. But with AI he can. Some New Yorkers may have received a robocall of the mayor speaking in their native tongue. Is this a golden opportunity or ethical dilemma? Plus, we’ll hear the latest on the Federal Reserve’s fight against inflation, and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen answers questions on financially supporting Israel and Ukraine. Here’s everything we talked about: “Powell Says Strong Economic Data ‘Could Warrant’ Higher Rates” from The New York Times Climate protesters disrupt Jay Powell’s speech from Elisabeth Buchwald on X “Heating costs should be down this winter for natural gas users” from Marketplace “Janet Yellen: America can ‘certainly’ afford to support Israel and Ukraine, US Treasury secretary says” from Sky News “How much aid does the US give to Israel?” from USA Facts “Can New York’s mayor speak Ma