Ceti Alpha 3: A Star Trek Podcast

317 - Rio Grande MD



Creating a Section 31 TV MovieWith the end of the writers' strike, pre-production continues on various new (and current) Star Trek projects. One such idea that keeps popping up from official channels is the idea of a "Section 31" story. From the initial promise of a series to the new evolution of a "TV Movie Event", it remains unclear what this will look like in the end. The trio try their hand at shaping a story that would become a Section 31 TV movie. They turn their attention to Julian Bashir as the central character, with the story set after season three of "Star Trek: Picard." We revisit old faces with Miles O'Brien, along with potential new faces from Section 31, Romulans, and maybe even the next generation from Deep Space Nine. In this thriller surrounding the assassination of a Federation official, will Section 31 finally meet its end?This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/3169638/advertisement