Cold War Conversations

Drea - A Cold War Czechoslovak childhood (187)



Drea Hahn was born in Czechoslovakia in 1980 in Teplice. Her mother was a secretary and her father was an engineer but refused to join the communist party and this was a source of tension in Drea’s family.  She was partly raised by her grandparents and her grandmother shared stories about growing up in “the Protectorate”, the name given to the area of Czechoslovakia occupied by the Germans in World War 2.  Drea tells of a typical Czech childhood – her school friends, fond memories of school trips, and summers at their chata (country house). A more sinister side of life was getting in trouble for being a chatty kid and being cautioned with the phrase “walls have ears”. Extra info, and videos are here If you are enjoying the podcast please leave a written review in Apple podcasts or share us on social media. By telling your friends you can really help us grow the number of listeners. Now I need help to continue to track down these unknown stories of the Cold war and