Ocl Michigan

095 - Game-Changer in Blue: Insight on the Power of Listening Skills in Policing



Conflict in the workplace: How do we define it, and why does it matter? CPP Global (the publisher of the Myers-Briggs Assessment) defines conflict as “any workplace disagreement that disrupts the flow of work.” This definition emphasizes that conflict reduces productivity. A worldwide study by CPP looking at workplace conflicts showed that 57% of the US respondents had NOT received training in how to manage workplace conflict, even though 95% of people who have received training as part of leadership development or formal external courses say that it helped them in some way. Policing is a profession that has many different types of workplace conflicts. While officers undergo de-escalation training, learning the Our Community Listens skills has led to many of them saying they wish to have this type of training at the start of their careers. That includes our guest, Sergeant Brian Brown, of the University of Colorado Police Department. As a teenager, Officer Brown was influenced by two tragic even