Blue Skies

Music Monday: 10,000 Reasons



Wouldn’t you know it - it’s Monday again! I took the day off yesterday - that being a Sunday. I don’t like to miss for a number of reasons, but sometimes you just have to take a break, so thanks to all who covered for me! I spent a little time yesterday getting ready for Music Monday, and in the search for something to share with you, I remember this recording my friend Mike Petrikonis and I made of the Matt Redman song, 10, 000 Reasons. Mike took ownership of this song, and I believe what follows is quite the extraordinary interpretation of this song. It’s not complicated, or overloaded with instrumentation - it’s just, well, it’s just there. You may have heard me play this arrangement before in past years, but it bears playing again. Mike plays guitar and sings, 10,000 Reasons. Song plays You’ve been listening to Music Monday with Linwood. You can find this song and a lot more on my website, And before you know Christmas time will be here and my flugelhorn friend, Lyn Nash, and I