Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 162: Don’t Quit, It’s Not Worth It



Are you holding on to a plan B as a way out in case WHAT God called you to goes wrong or gets too heavy to keep carrying? Or, Are you wondering if God will truly come through when what He asked of you is hard? When the Scriptures introduce us to Elisha, we are given a picture of his life the moment Elijah laid his mantle on him to anoint him as his successor as a prophet of God. Elisha had wealth, stability, and success when we first meet him in Scripture. But does he keep his oxen and plowing instruments as a backup plan, in case the mantle Elijah threw on him gets too heavy? NO! He completely destroys any chance for the enemy to tempt him to turn away from God’s calling on his life. We are commanded to seek first the kingdom of heaven, not to figure out what to do if things get too hard. If God has called you there, then everything else you have as a backup needs to go.   Monologue: Autumn tells of a recent football game with Moses as a player and Haven as a cheerleader.  Message: Autumn brings attention to