Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

Unleashing the power of food: Healing your body from the inside out



There is power in nutrition. It’s the key to health, which is the gateway to a happy and successful life. In this episode, Belinda interviews Julie Daniluk, a nutritionist, bestselling author, TV host, and public speaker, who shares her personal health journey and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health. Julie discusses the role of nutrition in inflammation and offers tips on making healthier food choices. She also talks about the impact of milk and sugar on our health and suggests strategies for managing blood sugar levels. Belinda and Julie discuss the benefits of automating their lives and creating systems to reduce stress. They also explore the importance of finding purpose and making an impact in other people's lives. Julie shares how people can connect with her and work with her.Key Learnings from the Episode:[00:05:41] The importance of health for happiness [00:08:47] Julie's health journey[00:34:01] Automating Life for Stress Reduction[00:44:52] The journey to finding joy and making an impact