Political Breakfast With Denis Ohayer

Gold Dome Deadlines; Gwinnett MARTA Vote; Atlanta Airport Battle



It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world under Georgia’s Gold Dome right now--even more than usual. It’s that crossover time of year, when bills hit a critical deadline. One of them, the proposed state takeover of Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, made it through the Senate ahead of the deadline. And it happened just as a new indictment was handed down in the investigation of corruption at Atlanta's City Hall. And it’s voting time, too, at least in Gwinnett County, even though it’s not November. But the stakes are just as big, with transit on the line, so to speak. And some bills favored by GOP conservatives ran into big hurdles under the Gold Dome. It's all on the menu for another Political Breakfast. Our regulars, Tharon Johnson and Brian Robinson, are both involved in the Gwinnett County transit campaign, so they are sitting out this time. Joining WABE political contributor Denis O'Hayer: Democrat Cathy Woolard, a former Atlanta City Council president, and most recently, a candidate for