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HERE COMES THE BRIDE - pt1 - Here Comes The Bride



In “Here Comes The Bride”, Rodney shares that with the events that have been transpiring in Israel, Some have wondered if this could be the beginning of the end times, and whether Psalm 83 could prophetically be playing out right in front of us. A more accurate assessment is we are not at the beginning of the end, but near the end of the end. The Marriage Supper in Revelation 19 is a beautiful picture of the uniting of the bride (The Church), and bridegroom (Jesus Christ). The waiting time of the Church for the arrival of Jesus is coming to an end. Are you ready? The Bride must prepare herself for the marriage supper. A bride’s preparation involves both her works, and the work of the Holy Spirit. There is a divine cooperation in the preparation of the wedding supper, between the bride and the Spirit. Everything the bride has need of is provided by the Holy Spirit. Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper. There is no greater invitation than to be invited to the wedding supper of the ages betwe