Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

16) "Conscious Consumerism is a Lie" and Getting the Courage to Be Controversial with Alden Wicker



As part of 'speaking up for what we believe in,' how can we muster up the courage to say things that are different or that might go against the current? And, what needs to happen alongside conscious consumerism in order for us to accelerate positive change? Alden Wicker, Editor-in-Chief of, President of Ethical Writers & Creatives, and journalist with bylines in Racked, Quartz, Refinery29, Glamour, Inc Magazine, and more, shares her wisdom with you here.   HIGHLIGHTS: [9:45] The biggest challenge Alden faced building EcoCult into a leading sustainable lifestyle blog. [12:30] Kaméa: "If you were to start all over, what would you do differently to establish yourself more quickly?" [14:20] Kaméa: "Do you get nervous before publishing something controversial, and what gives you the courage to do it anyway?" [16:20] Alden: "There's too much emphasis being placed on guilting people into working harder at being sustainable." [19:05] Alden: "There's this rampant perfectionism in the movement. [19:15]