Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

31) How putting yourself out there can strengthen your brand and message with Spirit of 608's Lorraine Sanders



What’s a common struggle specifically for us eco and socially-driven entrepreneurs and creatives that might prevent our passion projects from thriving? Why is it important for us to support large corporations that may have a history of irresponsible practices? Journalist, media strategist, podcast producer and host of Spirit of 608 podcast, Lorraine Sanders, shares her wisdom with us in this episode.     HIGHLIGHTS [4:54] Lorraine: "I really care about where things came from and the story behind them and that brings more meaning to the things in our lives." [5:59] Something Lorraine learned about sustainable fashion that shocked her. [10:21] Lorraine's greatest challenge growing her platform. [12:33] Kaméa: "What are some common mistakes that eco creatives and entrepreneurs make when trying to build out their presence?" [13:06] Lorraine: "A lot of people feel like they can't start building their relationships with the media until everything with the brand is perfect. But if you wait... it's almost too late to