Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

68) What we need to know about renewables and electric cars with Green Living Guy Seth Leitman



What are some things we need to know about electric cars and the future of renewable energy? What does it take to scale our audience size into the millions, so that we can inspire and engage with more people with our work? Our guest today is Seth Leitman of Green Living Guy – an expert on electric cars and renewable energy who's worked for the state of New York on green energy and who writes about LED green lighting, indoor air quality, alternative-fueled vehicles, and more. Let's dive in.   HIGHIGHTS:  [7:52] How Seth has managed to balance creating helpful content for people while also making money. [8:59] Seth: "Just keep showing up. Find one thing in particular that you're an expert in and focus on it. And then from there, everything else becomes obvious." [9:39] Kaméa: "What's been the key to Green Living Guy really taking off and becoming a leader in this space?" [12:20] Kaméa: "What's something most people don't know about electric cars that we should know?" [16:27] What Seth thinks is our biggest road