Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

76) Getting models, talent, and celebrities who spark trends and influence popular culture to stand for sustainability with Anne Therese



What if more people with great influence on popular culture were to more boldly speak up for sustainability? What would it mean for our world if we had models who were role models, who stood up for public health, social and environmental welfare, and who represent brands that actually align with their personal values?   Sharing her wisdom on this episode is Anne Therese Bengtsson, a former New York City model and Co-Founder of Role Models Management, which is on a mission to redefine what it means to be a model. She's also the podcast host of Hey Change, where she inspires people to embrace curiosity and positivity and promotes an ethical and sustainable way of life.   Let's dive in.   HIGHLIGHTS [8:28] How the modeling industry works and how Role Models Management sets itself apart. [10:09] Kaméa: "What do you think having models whose personal values align with the brands they work with (and vice versa) will make possible for our world and for consumers?" [13:22] How Anne gets past imposter syndrome. [15:49