Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

85) Why body shaming drives mindless consumption and the importance of self-affirmation in eco-living with Marieke Eyskoot



How do modern day pressures around body image relate to sustainability? With eco living often focused on the negatives—on what we're not doing enough of and how we're falling short of being perfect—why is it so important to let ourselves feel good about what we do and to reassure ourselves that we're okay... that we're doing enough?   Sharing her wisdom here is Marieke Eyskoot, a sustainable fashion and lifestyle expert, sought-after speaker, consultant, and Co-Founder of the International Fair Fashion Trade Show, MINT. With over 15 years of experience in the field, she was nominated as Amsterdam's Citizen of the Year and recently authored the book, This is a Good Guide.   Let's dive in.   HIGHLIGHTS  [15:11] Kaméa: "How can we support the sustainability and ethical fashion space to grow if there are less dollars left to be pumped into the marketing side of things?" [16:40] Marieke talks about her book, This is a Good Guide.  [20:03] Kaméa: "How do you think we can get over perfectionism and worrying too much