Green Dreamer: Sustainability From Ideas To Life With Eco Pioneers, Revolutionary Thinkers, Leading Creatives

113) Why single-use bottles won't go away and how bottled water can go circular with Nicole Doucet



In the middle of this global awareness to use less single-use plastic bottled water, why is the bottled water market still on the rise? Why is aluminum superior to plastic as a material used for single-use packaging?   Sharing her wisdom here is Nicole Doucet, the CEO and Co-founder of Open Water. You'll hear about all the reasons why aluminum is a more environmentally friendly packaging material when compared to plastic, the pervasive problem with microplastics, why recycling plastic isn't a sustainable solution, and more. Let's dive in!   HIGHLIGHTS  [4:57] Nicole's thoughts on why it seems we have just recently gained more awareness as a society on single-use plastic even though it's been a problem for a long time. [9:01] Why aluminum is a more environmentally material than plastic for packaging. [9:44] Kaméa: "Why are there incentives to support the recycling of aluminum in particular and not other materials?" [16:22] What was the challenge you wanted to overcome with your rebranding from Green Sheep Wate