Rpg Golden Years

Disco Club - Breakdown Announcement!



Quick hello to discuss the upcoming Disco Club starting this weekend!!! Disco Elysium Club Breakdown: 1: Get the body down - Due October 29th 2: Conduct interviews - Due November 19th (3 Week Segment) 3: Reconstruct the murder - Due December 3rd 4: Finish game - Due December 17th FF6 Clown Posse Club Breakdown: 1: Get to Scenario Split and complete Locke's scenario - Due 8th October 2: Complete Zozo - Due 22th October 3: Complete Sealed Cave - Due 5th November 4: Complete Floating Continent - Due 19th November 5: Get Airship (Falcon) and have 6 total party members - Due 3rd December 6: Have 12 total party members - Due 17th December 7: Have all 14 part members and beat the game - Due 31st December