Resurrection South Austin

Follow Up: How (not) to read the Bible



Fr. Shawn McCain Tieres follows up with Dr. Erik Eklund and Tashara Angelle on the course they taught about reading the bible. Have you ever read the Bible and thought, "I have no idea what this is talking about?" Well, you're not alone. The Scriptures are a beautiful, historic, living, and complex collection of ancient texts. As Christians we believe that the Bible is the authoritative witness to the Word of God, Jesus Christ, given for us to "hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them" (as the famous prayer goes). How do we do those things? How do we discern what the Bible means and how it illuminates our lives? If you've missed a class or are looking for its resources, go check out our adult formation page. Also, we're recording a follow-up podcast episode every week which you can find on Spotify, Apple, or watch on Youtube. Be sure to like and subscribe!