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[Ch 2] Nerd Noise Game Club: C2E14 - “Escape Artists”



[SEE IMPORTANT EDITOR’S NOTE BELOW THE TRACKLIST!]   Today’s Broadcast is C2E14 for Theme Thursday, October 12th, 2023. Today’s Theme is escape themed music, on a program called “Escape Artists” - theme and title (and track run order by Hugues)! Also, a bit of big news and a bit of small news from St. John - neither of which will probably be a surprise to anybody! Lastly, apologies for this episode being so late. This was actually SUPPOSED TO BE the August episode!!! :-O   Tracklist: Track# / Track / Game / System / Composer(s) / Selected By 01) The Last Dungeon - Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap - Master System - Shinichi Sakamoto - Hugues a) Earcatcher - 00:00:00 b) Music - 00:00:03 c) Intro - 00:01:48 d) Top of Show Business - 00:03:58 e) St. John's "Small News" (Linux Geekery Updates) - 00:08:27 f) Discussion - 00:10:45 02) Act 2 Part 1 - Ninja Gaiden - NES - Keiji Yamagishi, Ryuichi Nitta, and/or Ichiro Nakagawa - St. John a) Music - 00:14:57 b) Discussion - 00:17:01 03) Dance with Traps -