Religion Today

2022-08-14 Religion Today - Archaeological Discoveries Which are Evidence the Bible is Genuine History



In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner describes archaeological discoveries which are strong evidence the Bible is genuine history, not just myth. Included are the significance of the Rosetta Stone, Dead Sea Scrolls, Tel Dan Inscription (9th century BC reference to "House of David"), Ketef Hinnom scrolls (7th century BC text of Numbers 6), Moabite stone (referencing Chemosh, Omni 1:9) and 2 Kings 3, the Lachish Letters, Epic of Gilgamesh, Hezekiah's tunnel, Seal of Mulek (Mosiah 25:2), crucified man at Givat Hamivtar, and, God as a Man in the Diorite Stele (depicting God as a seated man).