Religion Today

2022-09-18 Religion Today - Tips for Understanding Isaiah



Many Latter-day Saints are studying Isaiah now.  In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner gives some tips for how to understand Isaiah.  These include: (1) finding an 8th century BC map of Jerusalem. Realizing that Jerusalem in Isaiah's time had a population of 1,500 to 2,750.  In comparison the LDS Conference center with 21,000 seats holds well over ten times the total population of Jerusalem in Isaiah's day; (2) reading Isaiah in a Modern English version, such as the New Revised standard Version (NRSV) or the Contemporary English Version (CEV); and, finding a good commentary on Isaiah.  Isaiah was a highly educated man with a masterful writing style.  He is easily included in the most gifted writers of all time.  He spoke of future events in our day, as well as events in his own day.  With a little effort, Isaiah will become understandable and of great value to any careful reader.