Religion Today

2022-09-25 Religion Today - 53 People Mentioned in the Old Testament Confirmed to be Real People by Archaeology



Are the Old Testament stories real?  Most religious people say they are, except perhaps the early parts of Genesis.  Was there a "King David" who killed Goliath?  Could someone as tall as Goliath have lived?  There are skeptics, but Robert Wadlow, a resident of Illinois, who died at age 22 while he was still growing, was less than an inch away from nine feet tall and was slender, even though weighing 440 lbs. proving Goliath was possible.  In fact archaeology now proves 53 people mentioned in the Old Testament, including King David, who slew Goliath, were real people who actually lived.  Hear the details from host Martin Tanner in this episode of Religion Today.