Religion Today

2022-11-05 Religion Today - How to Answer and Resolve Issues Raised by Critics of the LDS Church



In this episode of Religion Today, host Martin Tanner gives advice on responding to critics. Most issues and questions posed by critics will be answered and resolved over time.  Others by immediate research.  Others by understanding the fallacy or false assumption which underlies the criticism. One example is that in some places the CES Letter criticizes the quotes of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, saying they are identical and thus stolen from the King James Version.  In other places the CES Letter criticizes the Book of Mormon for changing slightly the wording of Isaiah quotes.  Critics can't have it both ways.  Another example is the CES Letter's claim there could not possibly have been enough people in Meso-America as the Book of Mormon claims.  But Lidar research in just the last few years proves the Yucatan Peninsula had about 20 million or more living there during Book of Mormon times, more than in Europe at that time. Will this critic retract?  Not so far. Time and research resolve criticisms. Keep you