Religion Today

2023-01-01 Religion Today - Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus, Matthew 24 and Orson Hyde's Dedication of Israel



In this Religion Today episode host Martin Tanner quotes Matthew 24 and describes how the plain meaning of many of the signs described by Jesus were to happen during the lifetime of his Apostles.  The meaning of the "Abomination of Desolation" in the Book of Danial and in the Gospels is explained as the Roman destruction of the Temple and desecration by sacrificing pigs on the alter. Martin describes Joseph Smith's statement that the "last great sign" before the Second Coming of Jesus will be misunderstood by the world as "a comet or a planet."  Then he quotes from Orson Hyde's amazing October 24, 1841 dedication of the land of Jerusalem for the return of the Jews, the "building up of Jerusalem" and the rebuilding or "rearing a Temple" in Jerusalem.