Religion Today

2023-01-15 Religion Today - How the Jewish Scriptures at the Time of Jesus Caused People to Recognize Him as the Messiah



When Jews heard Jesus say he was the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1, and the Kingdom of God was at hand, they recognized him as the promised Messiah. Jesus was also recognized by thoughtful, well read, Jewish listeners as the promised Messiah when he instituted the Sacrament as the "covenant of His blood" which was shed for them. Listeners would have instantly thought of Moses making the sacrifice in Exodus 24 and then throwing the blood of the sacrifice on the people, as Jesus fulfilling in their day, this Mosaic covenant.  Jewish listeners hearing Jesus message about loving God and loving other people, as the Messiah fulfilling the prophecy of Jeremiah recorded in Jeremiah 31:31-34.  Host Martin Tanner describes in detail these and other ways Jews recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah.