Religion Today

2023-06-11 Religion Today - Are There Two Cumorah's and More Evidences BoM Events Happened in Central America - Invitation to Hear a Marvelous Near-death Experience



In this Religion Today episode, host Martin Tanner, points out that no LDS Church leader, including Joseph Smith, has ever claimed revelation on where the events in the Book of Mormon happened.  But the text of the Book of Mormon provides inspired details enabling us to make to strong inferences they happened in Central America.  Are there two Cumorah's? How could Moroni get the plates from Hill Cumorah in Mesoamerica to the hill by the Smith Family's farm in New York? These and other questions are answered. * ALL LISTENERS ARE INVITED TO HEAR A NON-LATTER-DAY SAINT, EMILIE SPEAR, FROM COLORADO SHARE HER NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE IN WHICH SHE SAW JESUS, WITH DETAILS CONFIRMING LDS BELIEFS."  DETAILS FOR THIS FREE EVENT ON FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd, IN SLC, ARE IN THIS EPISODE.