Let's Talk Bruh

What does it mean to be a man?



#LetsTalkBruh is officially LIVE, but first let's provide y'all w/ a bit of context for the first episode.  Toxic masculinity created by patriarchy distorts our visions of what healthy masculinity can look like. So for that reason we wanted to start this podcast at the foundation. This episode is personal and episodes to come will be even more personal.  We wanted to bring y'all in to gain a sense of WHO WE ARE and explain what our own personal definitions of masculinity are today. We attempted to go beyond some of the common notions of masculinity (provider, protector, etc) but at the same time let yall know that we are indeed still learning, growing and trying to unlearn the #problematic or toxic versions of masculinity and hypermasculinity that we grew up believing in and attempting to perform.    You'll hear us tell a few stories of how we tried to perform hypermasculinity in high school & college (Yikes) and talk about our shifts to creating a version of masculinity that works for us today.  We even