Let's Talk Bruh

4:44 (1 Year Later): Why is black men's growth at the expense of black women?



Now, #LetsTalkBruh is not a music podcast, so this won't be a 4:44 album review. However your hosts happen to be 2 hip-hop heads so we felt obligated to tackle this topic. Last Saturday (6/30/18) marked the 1 year anniversary of Jay-Z's 4:44 album. An album in which he was far more vulnerable than most mainstream rappers exhibit on wax by admitting his infidelity in his marriage with Beyonce and the affect it had on not only himself, but his wife, children and family. So we used that cultural moment of Jay-Z's growth and Beyonce's pain to talk about the broader conversation and impact of why often times black women and their pain are the catalysts for our self discovery and growth as black men. So buckle up, because this one gets kinda deep. We both get personal with some reflection on our own past mistakes as well as solutions for the future. And before we get started, this podcast episode couldn't be done alone.  You'll also be hearing from a very talented friend of ours, PhD student Courtnee Fenner, who to