Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Angie Atkinson

Avoid Getting Hoovered on Valentine's Day: Narcissistic Hoovering Video Compilation & Booster Shot



Don't get sucked back in by a narcissist this Valentine's Day! Avoid Getting Hoovered on Valentine's Day: Narcissistic Hoovering Video Compilation & Booster Shot Narcissists are sneaky, but they're human too (as far as we can tell!). And like most people, they tend to think about their exes on Valentine's day - and that often includes making attempts to get back together, even if only for a short time. This year, I suggest that you avoid getting sucked back in! If you really want to take your life back, you've got to start by holding on to your independence, even when you feel weak. Since Valentine's day with a narcissist (or without one) can be so painful, it's time to take back this day! This year, watch this compilation video and remind yourself WHY YOU DON"T WANT THAT NARCISSIST BACK! Stay strong, survivor! This year will be different! If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my channel! Schedule a coaching appointment with me at http://narcissisticabusere