Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 356 - When The Sun & Moon Don't Aspect Each Other



This week we are working with three charts showing no (sign) aspects between the Sun and The Moon. As the Moon is the unconcious/subconcious it needs to feel safe & secure otherwise it will 'malfunction' and make us feel unsettled. Looking after our Moons is paramount for happiness. Actor Jim Carrey Scorpio Asc, Sun Capricorn in the 3rd house, Moon Gemini in the 8th   Astrologer and software writer Walter Pullen Walter's About page His (free) software page Capricorn Asc, Sun Scorpio in 11th, Moon Sagittarius in 12th   Catherine Zeta-Jones Ascendant Sagittarius, Sun Libra in 10th (conjunct Uranus), Moon Pisces in 4th, (showing a mathematical opposition Sun-Moon but out-of-sign)