Flower Power Garden Hour

Flower Power Garden Hour 188: October To Do, Listener Q&A



It is the October To Do List, and that means it is a very busy time in the garden.  Clean up from summer vegetables and prepping for fall and winter. The days are cooler, but shorter – which means you have to work efficiently and hard. Episode includes Listener Q&A, with topics listed below.    It is time to plant: ·       Fava beans ·       Beets ·       Bok choy ·       Carrots ·       Celery ·       Swiss chard ·       Collards ·       Garlic ·       Kale ·       Kohlrabi ·       Leeks ·       Lettuce ·       Onions ·       Peas ·       Radish ·       Spinach ·       Turnips ·       All perennials, bulbs   Chores include: ·       Clean up vegetable beds (prevent diseases), mess from fruit trees ·       Collect seeds ·       Divide plants such as grasses, iris ·       Compost   Listener Q&A section.  Topics covered include: ·       What to do about aphid infestation on large trees ·       Lemon tree – producing fruit, but leaves are very pale ·       Succulents – fertilizer?