The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

536 Four Pillars Of Leadership



What are the starting points, the basic requirements of leadership?  There are actually many, which is why books on leadership are both numerous and thick.  Today, let’s look at four of the basics we need to be effective as a leader.    1.     Self-Aware In this category, we are living an intentional life, where we decide what happens to us, rather than being buffeted by the winds of change.  We are self-directed.  We have clear goals and we revise them regularly to accommodate all of the changes in business.  We make the compass the boss of the clock and we set our direction and then set our time to achieve the goals we have set.  We self-regulate, which means we control our physicality and out metal framework.  We don’t function at peak performance with a hangover, so we don’t get a hangover, because we control what we ingest and when we ingest it.  Drugs are for dopes so don't worry about getting involved in that loser scene.  We work on ourselves so we are constant students of business.  We consume infor