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Janine Cannon on Growth and the Secrets Behind Zazou Salon & Academy’s Success



[267] People don't leave companies; they leave leadership. If you agree, you already have one point in common with Zazou Salon and Academy's leadership team. Established by Bruce Peters in 1992, the salon's dedication to providing outstanding customer service, fostering a positive and fun work environment and giving back to the community has yet to fail its team and, therefore, the business's success. That's not to say that they didn't face various challenges throughout their journey, but from the opening of the salon in 1992 to the expansion of their flagship salon in 2008, they've never been afraid to try new things, never shied away from learning and have always strived to innovate and provide exceptional experiences for their clients. In this episode, hear Janine Cannon, Brand and Business Development Lead at Zazou Salon and Academy, discuss the milestones and challenges the business has faced over the past 30 years as well as her insights on leadership, recruitment, retention, and