Ruach Breath Of Life

Encounter: Put On The Armour Of Light



Music: Minor Muse by Colin Owen Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and put upon us the armour of light. Lord, You alone know our inmost thoughts and the true condition of our heart. Overcome our reluctance to seek You and deepen our trust in Your dealings with us, Lord. For where we are tempted to see only difficulties You see a whole range of possibilities. Strengthen our will to serve You, that we may give no foothold to the watching powers of darkness. Stir up a worshipping warrior spirit within us. Where we have difficult choices to make and tasks to attempt, guide us in our decision-making and keep us diligent in seeking You. Grant me the strength to await Your timing, for if I insist on doing things my way, it’s much harder for You to be able to do them Your way. Help us to recognise when evil forces are at work, in our own hearts and situations, in our churches, and amongst the nations of the world. Help us to turn and face You, Lord, for even when evil does strike