Ruach Breath Of Life

Encounter: In Times Of Suffering



Music: Francis Cummings: Psalm 45 Musicians: Francis Cummings, Cathie Muncey, Natalie Halliday, (strings) Mike Halliday (clarinet), Jane Horsfall (Celtic Harp) James Horsfall (keyboard) CS Lewis said, ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures; He speaks in our conscience, but He shouts in our pain; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.’ Lord, we ask that You will come especially close now to all who are in special need of grace: the bereaved and confused, the downtrodden and destitute, and those who are suffering for the sake of righteousness. Father, I confess that my heart is often cold and indifferent to those who are suffering for loving You. I pray now for those whose lives and liberty are at risk for loving You. As you strengthened Paul in his sufferings, abundantly comfort all imprisoned saints this day. Give them strength and health in their times of trial. Deliver them and their loved ones from the poison of fearful thoughts, and bless them, and the communities that they represent, for the cos