Ruach Breath Of Life

Encounters At Work



Music: Lauda 2, written and performed by Bill Klein God, give us worthwhile work to do, and precious people to befriend for You. Meet with Your people, Lord, as they go to work this day. May all they do help to fulfil Your purposes in the world. Use us wherever we go today, more perhaps than we realise at the time. Grant to those who work in spiritually sterile places an awareness of Your presence and Your pleasure; a quiet determination to be there for You, rather than a slow counting of the hours. Bless those who are looking for work. Grant them hope and inspiration in their seeking – and joy and success in the finding. Help me not to try to play a role that is not mine to play. Let my heart be transparent so that people will trust me, and I can be open to them. Grant me grace to listen to what people have to say. It’s important to them and to You; And when I do speak, help me to bring Your love and wisdom. Fill the land with godly workers and God-inspired enterprise. Grant vision skill and good