Angel On Top

3.04 Carpe Noctem



Four episodes into this season of Angel, and Angel Investigations still hasn't done a paid case. (So maybe get off your high horse about that whole saving people for money thing, characters over on the B-word show.) But you know what they have done? Well, besides tackling race relations, they have also given us another body swap episode to add to the canon, with "Carpe Noctem." Behold what is arguably the horniest episode of Angel, to the point where even the official WB promos for it included dick jokes for the episode's subtitle. (Seriously.) Join LaToya Ferguson as she and guest host Morgan Lutich unpack all the horniness of this episode -- whether they like it or not -- as well as the glaring logistics of the fact that no one immediately said, "Hey, Angel's been body swapped!" This is a strange one, Scoobies. LOCATE YOUR HOST, LATOYA FERGUSON, UPON THE INTERNET! Follow @lafergs on TwitterListen to LaToya's Vampire Diaries podcast: The AMPire DiariesRead An Encyclopedia of Women’s Wrestling GUEST HOST