
Episode 608 - Variety, a T Feature + a Guest DJ



This week's Prog-Watch is a variety program with a few special features! There will be a little feature on Thomas Thielen and a sneak peek at the next "t" album called Solipsystemology! (Thomas loves those titles that just roll off the tongue, doesn't he?) I also have a Guest DJ, Bill Dunaway of High Ridge, Missouri, USA! Bill checks in with some of his Prog Rock favorites, and I mix in a few newer tracks, as well. So in addition to the "t" music, you can expect a boatload of great stuff, new and old, from the likes of Bill Bressler, Yes, Duke 72, Vangelis, Red Bazar, Big Big Train, Dreamwalkers Inc, and Spock's Beard! This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at