Ruby Ray With Jaclyn Norton

Rising Woman's Sheleana Aiyana on The Foundations of Conscious Relationship Pt. I



This episode I speak with founder of Rising Woman Sheleana Aiyana. We talk about the foundations of conscious relationship, including noticing our growth edge in relationships, vulnerability, inner child work, boundaries, plus the abandonment and mother wound. Sheleana shares the difference between traditional relationships and conscious relationships, and what to remember during times of cultural change. This episode is for anyone whose ready to dive deep into the places you would rather avoid, to grow deeper in self-awareness and full self-acceptance.We talk about: The misconceptions about the Wild Woman archetypeOwning and noticing shadow aspects, how to do shadow workThe difference between being a victim and victim consciousnessTime Stamps:18:75—Wild woman definition20:65—Owning & noticing shadow aspects22:45—How to do shadow work25:72—Victom consciousness30:45—Growing edge in relationships31:72—Vulnerability38:45—The importance of play39:45—Inner child 42:00—Difference between traditional relationshi