Narcissistic Abuse Recovery with Angie Atkinson

Exposing Sleep Abuse: A Narcissist's Secret Weapon of Control



Exposing Sleep Abuse: A Narcissist's Secret Weapon of Control Narcissists have all kinds of ways to manipulate and control their victims, and if you've ever been in a toxic relationship with an abuser, then you might already know all about the standard tactics narcissists use. Methods of control like gaslighting, devaluing and the use of flying monkeys can be very effective for a narcissist to get what they want from you as their source of narcissistic supply, but most narcissists will also other, more sneaky tactics such as sleep deprivation. This is when the narcissist refuses to allow you to sleep, or prevents it in some way. They may also interrupt your sleep. In this video, I'll explain why they do it and why sleep deprivation and sleep interruption are so effective to manipulate you and so dangerous for you in the end. For more information about narcissism and narcissistic abuse recovery, visit Get my books at or pick up my free 5-day email course