That's Not Metal

Hyperblasts: Nothing Can Ever Just Be Nice



Some weeks just get overrun by drama: Thy Art is Murder's quite unbelievable decision to replace the vocals on their album in a week has the extended discussion that such a subject warrants, Bloodstock complete their 2023 headliners, and there's an intriguing LiveNation merch cuts scheme. Simmering down, we talk Busted.Releases:Samurai Pizza Cats - You’re HellcomeHeart of a Coward - This Place Brings Only DeathGuilt Trip - Severance3TEETH - EndExKEN Mode - VoidKill Devil Hill - Seas of OblivionPkew Pkew Pkew - Siiick DaysSincere Engineer - Cheap GrillsProfanatica - Crux SimplexFinal Gasp - Mourning MoonSilence in the Snow - Ghost EyesMourning - Hive of ResentmentBlood Command - World DominationCode Orange - The AboveHarm’s Way - Common SufferingKoyo - Would You Miss It?Grove Street - The Path to RighteousnessPrimordial - How It EndsMaggot Heart - HungerBlack Stone Cherry - Screamin’ At the SkySteven Wilson - The Harmony CodexGunship - UnicornKK’s Priest - The Sinner Rides AgainGraveyard - 6Asinhell - Impii Ho