Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Glow and Behold: The Light Diet, An Eyewear Revolution, and a Brighter Life. Feat. Roudy Nassif #455



Get ready to rise and shine early, savor the great outdoors, and discover a newfound appreciation for the various ways you can interact with light. I was under the impression that I fully understood the role of light in regulating our hormones, setting our internal clocks, and much more. Yet, this podcast session was nothing short of a revelation. Joining us is Roudy Nassif, the visionary behind VivaRays, a pioneering company changing how we work, rest, and navigate our lives through their transformative eyewear. Leveraging his engineering prowess and personal journey, Roudy has conceived an array of glasses designed to obstruct particular wavelengths, tailored to different segments of the day. I love them and I'm wearing them as I type out this podcast description.  Our podcast partners this week Check out Viva Rays at www.vivarays.com Meet their powerful Clip’N’Go. A world's first 3 in 1 artificial light protection. Reclaiming nature's dark/light cycles in 1 pair of glasses.