Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

EPS 292 - “Saving Private Investor” Today, OUR mission is YOUR money!



We are at war! We are on the front lines. Yes…We are taking fire! Keep your head down! We, as apartment investors, are in a foxhole being bombarded with challenges every day. Higher interest rates, higher taxes and insurance, higher interest rate cap costs, pending maturities, cap rates going up…yes…lots of incoming problems. “If I make it through this…I’ll never do that again!” Today, we chat about battle lessons that investors are learning today and the solutions that are available. Legacy warriors/investors are having difficulties; but the New warriors/investors have opportunities. Which group are you in? Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn more about Michael Becker’s Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory. If you enjoyed this discussion…. Please leave us a 5-STAR RATING on iTunes.