The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

535 We All Need A Clear “Innerview” Of Our Team



If one of our goals as a leader is to align our team members goals, aspiration, dreams and desires with those of the firm, it implies we know what they are aiming for.    How would we know that information?   We would gather that detail slowly over time and we would check back in occasionally to find out if things have changed or not.  This cannot be an interrogation, like a job interview.  We take our time and do these talks over coffee, lunches, dinners and in spare moments when chatting together.  The flow of the talks is casual but we are trying to assemble a clear picture of this staff member, so there is a structure to how we find out more about them.                The structure is simple and the point needs to be made here that we are not doing this to better manipulate them to squeeze more productivity for them.  If that is your desire, then in today’s employment market in Japan, you are going to be supremely busy.  You will be doing a lot of things by yourself, because people won’t want to work with