Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD280 [encore] Empowering Dogs with Consent: Strengthening Trust Through Choice



In today’s heartwarming episode, we dive into the essence of consent and freedom in our relationship with our dogs. Reflecting on a coaching session from the Brilliant Partners Academy, we discuss how reimagining our approach towards dogs can build a deep-rooted trust and a cooperative partnership.    Many of our dogs face anxiety at the vet and with difficult caregiving procedures, and this episode provides insights on handling those situations. The conversation revolves around allowing our dogs to have the agency of choice, creating an environment where they feel seen and heard. We unravel what it means to put on our ‘professional hat’, emphasizing a drama-free approach, ensuring our dogs know we have their backs.    Peppered with personal anecdotes about Kathy’s dog, Sue, and the importance of reading our dog’s small gestures, this episode will resonate deeply with every dog mom. It’s about listening, understanding, and evolving our bond with our dogs.   3 key takeaways:   Granting dogs the freedom of ch