Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

Week 7 – When You Pray: Two Dead-ends and One Way to Life



Series: When You PrayScripture: Matthew 6:5-13 “You  have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says, “Your face, Lord, do I seek.”  Psalm 27: 8 “All shall work together for good. Everything is needful that he sends; nothing can be needful that he withholds.”   John Newton “O Lord, you who own the cattle on a thousand hills, preserve us from living in an economy of scarcity where nothing and no one is good enough, causing us to live stingy and self-absorbed lives. Fill our hearts instead with your abundant life, so that we may be generous-spirited in all that we do and with everyone whom we meet. In the name of the One who makes more than enough.”   “A Prayer for Being Generous-Spirited” by David O. Taylor