C View Quantum Network

C View 2023 Conversations with the Sword of Truth: Equinox Ascension Activation



In this episode of Conversations with the Sword of Truth, Siobhan Nicolaou delves into the powerful realm of Ascension Activations. To mark the significance of the upcoming equinox, Siobhan will perform a special equinox ascension activation, amplifying the energies of this pivotal portal. call (805) 830-8344  |  Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12243284 #TAKEMYCALL - JUMP the line and PAY what you want - PayPal.me/Pureco With a unique connection to specific aspects of the source, Siobhan has been sanctioned to consciously activate high vibrational light codes within individuals, unveiling information that is intricately tied to their soul's mission and evolution. While some seek out these activations intentionally, others may experience the spontaneous offering during a reading. Siobhan works with the utmost precision, utilizing specific symbols and aspects of source derived from diverse Spirit realms. Through her unique expertise, she consciously activates and aligns within individuals these portals of ener