Doctor Thyroid

UK Doctors Recommended Surgery for Thyroid Goiter, But Italian Doctor Offers Non-Surgical Alternative with RFA



September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Important, surgery isn’t always necessary for treating thyroid cancer. In fact: as many as one in three people have thyroid cancer and do not die from it, rather, with it.  In the world of medicine, it’s not uncommon for patients to feel overwhelmed and uncertain when faced with a diagnosis that requires surgery. For Peter Miller, a 64-year-old man from the UK, this was certainly the case when he was diagnosed with thyroid goiter. Three specialists recommended thyroidectomy as the only viable treatment option, but Peter was hesitant to undergo such a procedure due to the potential risks and complications associated with it. Fortunately, Peter took matters into his own hands and conducted his own research, which led him to an alternative treatment option – Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA). Through an article written by Philip James and the Philip James YouTube channel, Peter discovered Dr. Roberto Valcavi, an Appalachian doctor in Italy, who had experience performing the RFA