Intelligence Matters

Ambassador Joseph DeTrani talks about the Escalating Crisis with North Korea



This week we have a special episode of Intelligence Matters with Michael Morell, in which, The Cipher Brief expert Ambassador Joseph DeTrani weighs in on mounting tensions between the United States and North Korea. The exchange of fiery rhetoric between U.S. President Donald Trump and members of the North Korean regime raises the question, is this war of words a precursor to armed conflict, escalating the crisis to a tipping point. Trump has publicly rebuked his predecessors for leaving him what he described "a mess," and intensified warnings to North Korea making clear that a military option would be 'devastating' to them. Kim Jong-Un's regime have said that Trump's continued statements amount to a "declaration of war" and threaten to shoot down U.S. warplanes in international airspace. Ambassador DeTrani, who is one of our nation's leading experts on issues related to North Korea, China and nuclear nonproliferation talks to former Acting Director of the CIA Michael Morell about what drove North Korea to