Dialogue On Divorce

Is Your Soon-to-Be-Ex-Spouse Hiding Money? With Tracey Coenen



Do you suspect that your soon-to-be-ex-spouse is hiding money? If your partner is trying to avoid equitable distribution in a divorce settlement, they might be keeping assets from you or transferring money into a secret account. But is it necessary to hire a forensic accountant? Or can you do the job yourself? Tracey Coenen is a renowned forensic accountant and the brains behind the Divorce Money Guide. She is also the author of the book Find Me the Money and host of the podcast of the same name. Tracey is passionate about helping people who feel powerless in the divorce process regain their confidence and take control of their money. On this episode of Divorce Dialogues, Tracey joins Katherine to explain how to identify when your spouse is hiding money and where they might be keeping it. Tracey walks us through the common reasons why people hide money in a marriage and describes why financial infidelity is just as devastating as romantic infidelity—if not more. Listen in for Tracey’s insight on initi