Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Prodigal- Finding Grace Week 1: Longing for Home



In this episode, we explore the profound message of grace and belonging through a captivating parable. We begin with a striking painting, diving into its details and the emotions it evokes, setting the stage for our journey. The problem is universal – we all long for moments of "homecoming," where grace and belonging embrace us. We see this echoed in the stories of the 'sinners' and 'Pharisees' drawn to Jesus, and we realize that we, too, seek these elements in our lives. The context unfolds, revealing Jesus' association with 'sinners' and 'tax collectors,' much to the dismay of the religious elite. We delve into the significance of teaching, associating, and eating with these groups, emphasizing Jesus' incarnational love. The message is clear: Jesus teaches us to seek grace and belonging not through fleeting pursuits like pleasure, power, envy, or greed, nor through rigid religious rituals, but through Him. His death and resurrection offer lasting satisfaction and belonging, unburdening us from the fruitl